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Role Reversal

To a parent, a child will always remain a child, irrespective of how old she/he is. And yet, as we grow older, there are moments when there’s reversal of roles.

Role Reversal

For a few years now, my teenaged daughter has been pestering me to teach her cooking. And I always put her off saying that is what she will be doing mainly when she is grown up and so she should enjoy her freedom now. There’s also a selfish reason behind this. The control freak I am, the kitchen is my domain whether I enjoy cooking or not. I want it to be neat and clean and all the things in place. It irritates me a lot if this order is disturbed. Moreover, I do not like to spend more time in the kitchen than necessary.

Last year, I was in the hospital for the surgery of my fractured leg. Then, it was my inexperienced daughter who took over the household. Right from getting up early in the morning, boiling milk, making tea, packing the lunch box of her brother, cleaning the house and also studying for ongoing standard 10th prelims…. she excelled in all these. Not surprising, we women are born multi-taskers! She also felt my pain, and would wince when I did. Thank God for daughters!

My son, he too became more responsible. He co-operated with others at home, did not add to their woes, helped them in what ever way he could and generally stayed out of trouble.

I am scared of heights…. and so, I am scared of depth too. Recently on our vacation, both my kids were a pillar of strength to me as they helped me in encouraging to conquer my fears. I am fond of adventure sports. I had made up my mind to try para sailing and snorkeling, sports which scare the living daylights out of me! Whenever I chickened out or had doubts, they cajoled me, prodded me and pushed me.

With my husband being away from home for most of the time, it is my kids who are my companions, my partners in crime, my confidants and to a large extent my friends and also my family. They are growing up and I love them to be independent. But, I miss their dependence too. Sigh! wish I can grow up too!!!

Janaki Nagraj is a homemaker and a mother of two teen aged kids. She discovered writing almost two years back and have been blogging since. She also writes poetry. She thinks that blogging has opened up a whole new world for her and with writing she discovered herself.