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Interview With Keyur Seta

A film journalist with close to 14 years of experience. After completing his graduation in Arts, he did post-graduation in Journalism and Mass Communication. He specializes in contributing news, interviews, reviews, and feature articles on new and old films. He is currently working with Cinestaan for the last five years as a Principal Correspondent. He has worked with brands like Zee Entertainment, The Times Of India online, and Radio City in the past. In his free time, he concentrates on his personal blog ‘The Common Man Speaks’ where he writes on a wide range of topics.

This week, we interviewed Keyur Seta. Let’s read his experience during the Pandemic and his thoughts about his parents.

Interview With Keyur Seta - Parents, Work & The Pandemic - Parentous

Q. How is your relationship with your parents/guardians during this crisis? What conflicts and friction, if any, have you had and how were they resolved?

My relationship with my parents and family have been fine during the crisis (my father passed away in July 2020. Tomorrow is his first death anniversary). There have been minor conflicts like me being unable to wake up early days during the second wave currently. As I am working from home, I don’t get tired and can’t sleep easily. But things are getting solved in recent times.

Q. What things have your parents understood rightly about your needs and challenges?

If you look at the larger picture, I would always be thankful to them for allowing me to leave Commerce after 12th to pursue Arts for my graduation. I shudder to think what my life would have been if I hadn’t opted for Arts. During the pandemic, they have been very supportive of my need for silence while working from home. My family has always adjusted whenever I am required to take someone’s interview on the phone.

Q. List down 3 qualities you like the most about your parents and would like to apply to yourself or your future child?

i) They have always given me and my brother the freedom to do whatever we wish to do in our career. As I said, I can’t imagine how my life would have been without quitting Commerce.

ii) They have always taught us to be sincere and honest in our work, more through their actions rather than words.

iii) They have always easily forgiven me for my mistakes.

Q. If you have been working from home, how do you feel about it and would you prefer to continue doing so if you get such an option?

I am a film journalist (and a part-time blogger). So my work includes regularly going on the field. Hence, I don’t like working from home. I wouldn’t like to continue doing so if I get an option. The atmosphere in the office is fun with all like-minded people working together. So, there is also plenty of scope for adding humour while working. That’s impossible while working from home.

 Q. What are some things you want to do for your parents to make them feel special and happy?

Well, the list is long. Overall, I would just like to be a good human being who is sincere both in personal and professional lives. Of course, being less lazy would be an added advantage.

Q. As a Millennial kid, if you could change 3 things about your parents and their parenting techniques from their generation, what would you want them to do differently now?

Honestly, as far as my parents are concerned, I wouldn’t like them to change anything. This is simply because they always have had a modern outlook towards life instead of being conservative like so many other parents I see out there.

Honestly, as far as my parents are concerned, I wouldn’t like them to change anything. This is simply because they always have had a modern outlook towards life instead of being conservative like so many other parents I see out there. Their mindset has always been at par with the times we are living in.

Q. If you are returning to work, are you nervous about the threat of COVID-19 remains? Share your concerns.

I won’t be nervous returning to work. I would just be concerned about maintaining the basic Covid-19 protocols.

Q. How frequently have you been doing things that mean something to you or your life?

Writing means everything to me, be it writing for the publication I work for, my blog, or simply on Facebook. I have been writing ever since I was in my senior college days and later when I started working. Writing for my blog means a lot to me and I have been doing it since last 12 years.

Writing means everything to me, be it writing for the publication I work for, my blog, or simply on Facebook. I have been writing ever since I was in my senior college days and later when I started working. Writing for my blog means a lot to me and I have been doing it since last 12 years.

Q. Share with us a funny incident where you turned pink because of something your parents did?

It happens whenever they announce to someone that I am a journalist, making it look like I am a saviour of the world!

Q. Do you think that your own mental health and social life are significantly worse than they were pre-pandemic? If so, how do you plan to make it better?

There haven’t been any major mental health issues since the pandemic started. I do get fatigued mentally while working from home, which I didn’t use to while working from the office. The other area for concern is lack of proper sleep. But I am working on these two fronts by resuming exercises and meditation. And social life has gone for a toss because we can’t meet friends and relatives as we used to earlier. But I am hoping for things to get better as cases are coming down in our state.

Hope you liked reading the interview. We enjoyed reading Keyur’s thoughts and experience as well.

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You can follow Keyur Seta on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and read more of his work at – ‘The Common Man Speaks’