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Perfect Way To Celebrate Your Child’s 1st Birthday!

1st Birthdays are so special, for you more than it is for your little one. We want to do our best to celebrate our little one’s 1st in the best possible manner. I completely understand as parents, we want to throw a big bash and want to call everyone and anyone we know to the party. Personally, I’m not a huge fan of Big 1st birthday parties… and there are reasons for the same.

I always wonder what can be the reasons as in… the real reasons for investing so much into your child’s first birthday. It’s not that we didn’t prepare for our daughter’s 1st, we did… but we celebrated in the best possible manner we could have thought of.

We went on a fun week long vacation to Goa and Z enjoyed it as much as we did. We enjoyed it so much, that we went on a holiday on her 2 and are going back to Goa for her 3rd soon.

Here are my reasons for not celebrating Z’s 1st in the conventional manner:

  • My 1 year old won’t remember anything about it: This is the biggest reason why I didn’t want a party. The star of the evening would not remember anything about the party. I don’t think it is worth it. Your 1-year old might even get scared of strangers as well… I thought I would do a ‘proper party’ when she is 3, but right now Z doesn’t want a party… but she wants to party in Goa!!! So, I guess we will wait for a year or two, because now I’m itching to throw a party 😛
  • You can spend your money on something which will last a little longer: You can take a vacation, shop for your little one, pamper her/him a little. Here are some more interesting ideas you can choose from:
  1. Save money for their education or maybe a big birthday bash when s/he is big enough to enjoy.

  2. Celebrate in an orphanage or an old age home.

  3. Donate.

  4. Hire a photographer and click your child’s candid pictures.

  5. Go for a nice lunch/dinner with close family and a few relatives.

  • Remember… if you are throwing a big bash, it isn’t for your baby: Honestly, the 1st party is more for the parents and not for the kid. It’s the parents, grandparents, cousins, uncles, aunts, friends of parents, etc. celebrating. Check the guest list of your child’s 1st birthday and count the number of babies who attended the party. You will know what I’m talking about.
  • Your child will not be Comfortable: Party means lots of people… Zoe was going through major separation anxiety around her 1st birthday. She used to get upset when there were lots of people around. Kids that age generally prefer individual attention. They want things to be closer to normal, and a big party means your child will be introduced to many new things all of a sudden.

First birthdays are special, keep them special for your little one as well.

A story-teller, a Communication Trainer, a Parenting Blogger, a wife to her best friend and mum to the most adorable 2-year-old – Zoe. Falak Randerian, plays many roles, her favorite Being Zoe’s Mom. She runs story telling & communication workshop for kids My Little Chatterbox. You can read her personal blog Being Zoe’s Mom and her parenting website which she runs along with her elder sister .