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A Mommy’s Mind

A baby is the decision to forever have your heart go walking outside your body. – From Pinterest

Before having babies, I used to just worry about my studies and then about my job. I was under the impression that if you have got a good career and a loving husband, life will be a bed of roses and the happily ever after type because nothing else seems to be as bad as working hard to pass the exams with good marks.

A Mommy’s Mind - Mother's Dilemma - Parenting

However, in practical life, the actual worry starts when you get that tiny little bundle of joy, made from your flesh and blood, who was part of your body for 9 months in your hands. The baby surely walks outside taking a part of your heart with it always. Till the time you don’t have a child of your own, you don’t know why everything related to kids is such a big deal. A typical mommy like me definitely thinks on following things daily without a doubt –

  1. Have my kids eaten healthy food? Are they eating less food than a normal, healthy child should eat or are they over-eating? I don’t want them to result into being unhealthy and overweight or even for that matter underweight.

  2. What all food should be included in their daily diet? Let me consult my pediatrician again or recipes from fellow ‘mommy bloggers’ would be helpful.

  3. Too much ice-cream is always bad as it may spoil teeth or worst, he/she may get terrible cold. But ice-cream’s a favourite! Am I taking the joy of childhood away from my kids by not giving ice-creams?

  4. Extended TV viewing is harmful for kids. How should I control her TV time because she is so fond of Noddy, Dora and Diego cartoons. It’s my mistake because I should be giving them better alternatives, only then will they be away from the idiot box.

  5. Oh My God her Potty colour is dark yellow today. It should have been perfect yellow like each time. Is she sick? Is that the reason behind the colour of her potty? I should discuss this immediately with my mommy friends group on Whatsapp. I should be aware what the colour of potty of other kids is these days. Or Should I go to pediatrician directly?

  6. What if my kid falls on the playground? The swing is too high, they may fall, roundabout is going too fast, they may fall; they are running too fast to catch each other, they may fall and hurt their knees. It’s too hot, they may just catch the flu. It’s too cold at the playground, they may have a running nose.

  7. Am I taking ample photographs of kids? Have I missed the walking milestone pic. I’m yet to sort all the pics I have taken so far. They should be neatly organized as per date and year. I have to take many printouts too. What if my hard-disc gets corrupted overnight? I will lose all those precious moments. Noooooooooooo!

  8. My kid is going only to one extra-curricular class. Should I be sending her to more classes? She is learning only dance! On the other hand what about music, skating, swimming, painting, arts and craft, aerobics, gardening, science fun class, phonetics and spelling classes? What else will interest my child and help her grow as well?

I am a mom of two kids, with my older one soon going to be 5. With my 5 years of experience into mommyhood I can definitely say Worry is a big waste of time, energy, thoughts, health and happiness. My mother in law says, “Kids have special protection from God, He won’t let them fall. So just trust Him.”

I don’t know whether God is there watching them or not, but I have experienced many time that kids do save themselves from falling. They won’t go to bed with a hungry stomach, just like us. When we can’t sleep without food, how can they? We never had the option of summer camps and a dearth of other classes during our childhood. Still we turned out just fine and so will our kids! Relax and just enjoy this beautiful time with kids as they will soon grow up to fly away from our cocoon in their own big world.

Rashmi Sehgal is the mother of two adorable kids, 4 and 1-year-old fondly known as Angel and Lil prince on her blog. She wears the dual hat of mother and IT Professional who juggles between work and kids trying to maintain balance between both worlds . She is a voracious reader , avid blogger , Shopaholic, love to experiment different way of learning and unlearning things with her daughter and take pleasure in reading books to her daughter. She writes at