
Fastest Growing Parenting Community in India

Values & Education

Freedom Calls For Excellence

A canvas, some colours splattered all over and those hands creating masterpieces.
A little Diary, few lines and those words weaving magic.
A Guitar, some strings and those melodies designing ripples in the air.
A scissor, some papers floating here and there and best of designs popping from those small white pieces.

Let Kids Live Their Dream - Freedom Calls For Excellence

But this very scene which is being performed by some of those tiny hands would get different treatments or response depending upon the position where the kid resides. East or West of the Globe.

The Western approach to this work of art would get full appreciation with words of encouragement and praise “This is indeed wonderful, your painting would go places. So you have a fantastic career ahead.”

The child feels at the top of the world for his creative ability. His brush strokes a hundred tales.

And by the time he grows he knows which of the courses would help him or her to stir this trade to the  finest potential. The child chooses his profession or passion.

He starts his home work right from the beginning and his life revolves round the tit-bits of shaping those dreams into reality. He innovates and modifies it in a shape to make it his bread and butter.

But in most of the developing countries or in that case the oriental mental psychology, the scene changes drastically. Well it can be justified in an argumentative way blaming our shaky economic pattern or the conventional approach of education.

The Mother may say “What do you scribble in that piece of paper? Please start grooming yourself for the engineering entrance/medical. These imaginations and dreams of writing will only make you a dreamer.”

The words stab the little heart. The child feels not all worthy of his creative ability or rather has that dejected feeling.

The western world definitely boasts of a social system where a child can nourish his potential according to his aspiration fully.

There have been changes in recent years with various other streams and courses which are a little less conventional. These are giving students the best of exposure to nourish their creative zeal and earn.

The other side of the coin too is beautiful, let our children pursue courses which would help them reach the pinnacle with faces and mind as cheerful. Not all lamenting about their profession every single day with the cliché refrain I wish I had not chosen this profession, I just work like that Donkey.”

Let the child bloom full, smile back home and sing I made the right choice; I live my dream everyday.”

Ronita-Maitra Bhandari is a free-lance creative writer who writes for various sites and blogs. She has also done a certified course in “Positive Parenting” from U.K. She is a mom to a 7-year-old and loves nurturing her greatest resource, her daughter. Apart from writing she is a nature lover and gets energised wandering around green patches. She believes family is a treasure chest and children are those precious jewels in the chest who sparkle to illuminate lives. What else would one desire to live a rich life?