
Fastest Growing Parenting Community in India


Categories at Parentous

A big thank you to everyone! Thank You to all the contributors for their awesome posts and readers who have read and participated. We are very happy to share that we will soon be publishing our 100th post at Parentous in less than 2 months with your co-operation and this has been made possible by each one of you. Infact, the response was so overwhelming, we have stopped accepting contributors. We continue to learn with every post that goes live and we are sure that you are buzzing with ideas which you think will make this community even more better.

One of the things that we want to do at the moment is to categorise the posts and we need your suggestions. It’ll be great if everyone could post their suggestion of categories (not more than 10) in the comments below. We would then finalise the ones that are requested the most (and appropriate) and then file the posts in the categories accordingly.

We would love to hear feedback/suggestions from you about Parentous and how we can make it even more awesome. Kindly use the contact us form to send in your views. Thank You. 🙂