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Does Time Fly As You Watch Them Grow?

Whenever my son or daughter say they are going to organise their wardrobe, my head goes for a 360 degree spin. Every time they clean it they end up with a pile of good clothes that they have outgrown. Some of which are occasionally used and some are brought a few months back.

Does time fly as you watch them grow? - Child Grows Up So Fast

Only these days, my head spins very fast. Any guesses why?

Well, without further ado, let me tell you. The reason for the fast spin is, these days they clear their wardrobe with clothes which were brought just a month back.

Just telling, how fast they are growing. Though I don’t buy very expensive clothes for them. Most of their casual clothes are Tirupur cottons which come in varied colours, textures and designs. These clothes, in fact, make it to the so-called lifestyle stores at quadrupled rates and are even exported. It does not cost me much when I buy closer to the source. But with their shoes I never compromise. They play basket ball and make a few soccer moves. So, to ensure proper leg growth I go for branded ones. When they overgrow these expensive studs and keds in three months time, it pinches your pocket badly.

The economics apart, I do feel happy that they are growing healthy and strong, ready to take on the world. They have even taken over some of our jobs and help us with chores like carrying heavy grocery bags, water cans, etc., supporting us in our thoughts, decisions and giving insightful ideas, etc. In fact, my 14-year-old was the one who jotted the mileage, petrol details, paying toll fee, etc., during our recent coastal road trip. The little grown-ups are also our little helpers who make things easier for us.

They too seem happy to be growing. The short vacation fortnight that went by, apart from learning to bake cup cakes, some DIY craft, reading story books and playing in the evening, my children had another pastime – it was, measuring themselves against my 165 cms frame every other day. They wanted to check if they have grown up to my height. Yes, this is one of their favourite pastime and they get mighty thrilled to see the change every fortnight. Though I too am happy, I just can’t imagine how in a few days time they shoot up so fast. They overgrow everything from shoes to clothes. And now my son steps into his dad’s shoes too.

Seriously, though it is a joy to know that your children are growing, but it comes with a tinge of sorrow too. I look at them and often realise how quickly these children of mine are growing. The elder one already in secondary school and the younger one in high school. And even before I blink they will be graduating. Another blink and they will be a step closer to leaving the nest (or they may even leave for graduation). It is slightly difficult for me to treat them as grown-ups. While they don’t like us (mom/dad) addressing them by their nick names or as ‘babe’ or ‘baby’ or ‘kutty’(little one in my mother tongue). Our heart and mind refuses to accept.

But the reality moment came last week, when I saw my daughter riding her new TVS Wego from the showroom to the home with her dad on the pillion. It is hard to believe my little girl has now turned into an independent young girl. She has now exchanged places with her dad sixteen summers later and will be driving to school independently from now on. And guess who followed them on the 5 km busy track on a geared cycle? My 14-year-old son. They braved one of the busiest roads of Hyderabad where many heavy vehicles fly.

I still vividly remember my little angel taking her first step, first fall, her first dance on stage, etc., similarly I remember how scary my little prince was on his first day to school, the way he held the mike on stage with his tiny hands, his first trial with his bicycle which had balancing wheels.

Oh! How time flies! Sounds clichéd, I know…but…

These little ones till a few years back who held on to our hands are no more little ones. They slip into our chappals and shoes with ease. They are growing up real fast and my son at 14 has already shot past me in height while my daughter almost shares her shoulder height with me. Just like a little bird which leaves its nest to fly independently, I am sure in the coming years they will move away further to build bridge to their destinies. Sometimes, I wish I could hold back time.

In fact, it reminds me of a poignant dialogue from a Tamil movie Abhiyum Naanum (remake of Father of the bride) which beautifully details the bonding between a dad and his daughter, from a little girl to a grown up. The dialogue goes:

“When a child is born, a father is also born. But child grows up so fast while dad remains the same”. It applies to moms too.

Not that I don’t like them growing as independent and strong decision-making individuals. I want the best for my children and would do anything to make them happy. In fact, it is my role as a parent to help them grow so that they can one day live a life of joy and independence. But only it is difficult to digest the fact that with each milestone they are one step closer to leaving the nest.

I am sure I will cross the bridge when I have to and accept the fact. Till then I will hang on and savour every moment and watch them grow, as time passes by. I will even write and share posts like this.

Parentous folks, do you also feel the same that time speeds past you, as you watch your children grow?

Asha Balakrishnan is a hardware design engineer by profession, a certified online grader for SAT, GRE, GMAT and other essays by choice, A SAHM, a blogger. Born in Chennai, brought up in Bangalore and now she calls Hyderabad her home. A mother to two teens aged 15 and 13.