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D Is For Daughter

The heavens in their infinite pleasure
Granted an angel to love and to hold
She came riding a silver moonbeam
To fill our lives with rays of gold

D Is For Daughter - Poem From A Mother To Her Daughter - Angel To Love

The pitter-patter of her tiny feet
The gurgles of a toothless grin
She twirled us around her fingers
T’was a happy place to be in

Before we knew the years flew by
And now eleven soon she’ll be
We’re trying to hold the sands of time
But we’ll have to soon set her free

And even though it hurts
We know we must let go
Her future is not ours to hold
Destiny is hers to know

Daughters are divine blessings
Cherished for all that is good
May the sons who love them
Know this and understood

Even though she is a little lady
Our baby she’ll always be
The one that bawled her heart out
When she scraped her tiny knee

We’ve given away our heartbeat
Wrapped in memories of yore
So be the man she expects
And a loving father and more

Set upon a prayer, one day
Life promises to come a full circle
Son, you’ll know a daughter
When you hold your own miracle.

Vinita Bahl Crasto is a mother to a divalicious 10 year old. A freelance writer, she loves to be referred to as the Domestic Goddess. Read her at