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“But mumma, you are wearing a yellow top and should carry a yellow bag with it and not the blue one!!” meet little miss M – my new fashionista who is not even 3 yet!!

A’DIVA - 3 Year Old Fashionista - My Daughter Is A Diva

Off lately Miss M has developed so much interest in clothes and accessories. She knows the difference between ballerinas, crocs, slippers, sandals and sport shoes and believe me, I am not to be blamed for it !! 😉 . I guess GOD has inbuilt such features in them now. Boys show interest in games and gears while girls are made up for finding the right pair of shoes, clothes and bags!!

The other day we went to the mall and she was just not interested in the toy shops but as soon as we entered a clothing store, her eyes were all lit up and she got so excited. She filled up the entire shopping bag with clothes, shoes and her hairbands and clips and I had no option but to buy her a few things. Alas, I can’t even do window shopping now!! 😉

Every mother wants to dress up her lil’ girl like a doll and I agree I am no less. But these days, it is miss M herself who decides on her clothes and matching accessories. Still I try not to pay attention to her demands and fuss regarding clothes and convince her to wear what I have decided because I know, once if I succumb to her tantrums; it is going to be a daily habit. And I don’t want her to use her brains as of now in these petty things.

I see so many mothers doing all kinds of makeup to their little girls. And if I will be a bit liberal with M, she would daily want to put that pink nail paint, lipstick and kajal to herself. I mean I can never think of decking up M with a lipstick or blush-on till she is atleast 9-10 years old and that too only if it is necessary. As such Delhi is infamous for being loud and flashy in terms of make-up. Even if the ladies have to go for grocery shopping, that shade of bright red lipstick is a must!! So one can imagine what must be the level of dressing up for a social gathering!!

Girls who have just entered their teens have become ultra-conscious of their looks and figure. Fashion has taken up the lives of teenager so much that most of them are concerned about their style statement at an age where they should be more concerned about their grades. Fashion consciousness is increasing day by day and everyone wants to look best. There is practically no harm in looking good, until and unless you tend to become obsessed with the fashion.

So, I don’t know for how many more years Miss M will listen to me regarding the choice of her clothes as though she be but little, she is Fierce!! Hope she does not dwell too much into fashion and style over her other priorities. (which I think would be really tough thanks to media, movies and peer pressure.)

Every girl has a DIVA inside her. But for you my gurlie, I would say don’t run behind Fashion coz it may fade someday, but being yourselves as your style is eternal!! For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone!! 🙂

I am Nitika Sipani, an interior designer by profession, full-time job as of now is that of a mother of a 2-year-old daughter (Myra) whom I dearly call ‘Little Miss M’! Of all the jobs till date, this one is the most challenging and every day is a new learning experience!! I enjoy writing and have developed it as a hobby, would like to become a freelance writer someday! You can connect with me on my blog: Juss lik dat.