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7 Great Homeopathic Remedies For Common Childhood Injuries

Parenting is fun, it is precious, but it is certainly not easy. As a parent, our days are full of multiple responsibilities and duties. We love our kids, worry about their safety and most importantly about their health. We always want them healthy and happy. But common childhood ailments and injuries still remain a fact of life.

As we all know that childhood is the fundamental learning phase of life.  During the first few years of life, children constantly explore their environment and learn new skills. Bumps, cuts, scratches and wounds are part of the learning process. Falls are common especially when children learn to walk or ride a bike. Luckily most of the falls can be fixed with a kiss, a hug or a Band-Aid. Prevention is always better than cure and it is good practice to use the preventive measure to make childhood happier.

But in spite of best care and prevention, accidents happens. First-aid kit becomes a necessity in every home, in cars, schools and at the workplace. A first aid kit is a collection of supplies and equipment that gives first-aid, and is put together for this purpose. Having a well-stocked first aid kit ahead of time will help you respond effectively to common childhood injuries.

As a certified homeopathic physician, I have observed great results from homeopathic medicines in first-aid treatment. It is advisable to include first-aid homeopathic medicines to your first-aid kit for gentler relief. The first-aid kit should contain all basic instruments such as a pair of scissors, thermometer, bulb syringe, sterile cotton balls and gauze pads, torch, gloves and basic medications.  After including all these essentials in your first-aid kit, add homeopathic remedies for an ideal and rapid cure.  It is best to understand some basic homeopathic principles before using homeopathic remedies at home.

The basic theory of homeopathy

Homeopathy works on the principle of “like cures like” which means a similar remedy is administered to similar symptoms of disease person. Individualization (collection of all symptoms physical general, mental general and other symptoms) is done by a professional homeopath to prescribe the best-selected remedy. But still, there are some indicated remedies in each disease that can provide miraculous results, when administered appropriately.

Dose and potency– it is always best to use homeopathic medicine in 6x or 30c potency (especially when used for at home treatment) to avoid worsening of existing condition and unnecessary complications.

Repetition– For the treatment of common childhood problems, take 5-6 pills of indicated remedy in 30c or 6x potency; 3-4 times a day. But in acute disease conditions, repeat the remedy at an interval of 15 minutes for faster relief.

Common homeopathic remedies for first-aid

Here is the list and indication of common homeopathic remedies that should be included in your first-aid kit for treatment of common childhood injuries.

  • Arnica– Used as an acute emergency remedy, especially in the case of trauma, fall and bruising injuries. Available in the form of gel and ointment, this medicine helps reduce shock, pain, swelling and other signs of inflammation. It fastens the healing process after a routine fall. It is also an excellent remedy for before and after surgical and dental treatment.
  • Hypericum– Kids often jam their fingers in doors while playing and it causes unbearable shooting pain. Hypericum is an excellent remedy for injuries to nerve or parts of the body that have richest nerve supply, such as the finger, toes and spine.
  • Ledum pal– Punctured wound (from a needle, nail or sharp object) is another common childhood injury that causes agonising pain to children. Of course, these kind of injuries require immediate medical attention. Tetanus can be prevented by a dose of Ledum pal. It is also a good remedy for insect bites. Sharp shooting pain and coldness of affected part (but relieved by the cold application) are the main indication for selection of this remedy.
  • Ruta- Ruta is a great remedy for all kinds of sports injuries. It is used successfully in the treatment of injuries to ligament, tendon, periosteum or lining of the bone. It cures any injury to the knee, thigh or elbow,  ligament or tendon.
  • Calendula– This “homeopathic antiseptic remedy” must be a part of the homeopathic first-aid kit. The most common indication for use of calendula is whenever skin surface breaks and a wound is formed. It inhibits infection and promotes the healing process. Used internally as well as externally in the form of a lotion, it acts as an antiseptic and is available in the form of gel, spray and ointment.
  • Symphytum– it is a great “bone remedy” that help the fracture to heal more quickly. It is necessary to do all routine medical procedures (x-ray, splinting or surgery according to condition) in case of broken bones, but as an alternative medicine, Symphytum gives wonderful results. 
  • Rhus tox– it is also known as “poison ivy“. It is another amazing remedy for sprain, shoulder, back and neck injuries, especially when characteristic symptom “worse from first motion and relieved by continuous motion is present”. The patient usually feels worse due to cold weather.

External application

Basic homeopathic principle emphasises on internal administration of indicated remedy. But nowadays certain medicines are available in the form of the gel, ointment or spray for external application to fasten the cure. These are Calendula, Arnica and Hypericum.

Those were the basic homeopathic medicines that should be a part of the first-aid homeopathic kit. If you have a holistic approach to health and want to get a gentle cure, include these sweet tiny pills in your first aid kit and enjoy a healthy and happy life with positivity. Do you have any experience with homeopathic medicines in the treatment of common childhood injuries? Do share with us. Until then, eat healthy and live well!

Disclaimer– this article is for informational purpose only. Not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, prevention or treatment of any disease.

Surbhi is a qualified doctor (B.H.M.S.) with 5 year of teaching and clinical experience. She started her writing journey at the age of 17 and published various articles in famous news paper and magazines. The most incredible experience of her life is being a mommy of two cute dolls. Recently she started her own blog Positive Parenting. She loves to write on crafting, parenting issues and kids activity and wants to share her parenting journey with others.