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Simple Ways To Keep Your Family Healthy

Every one of us wants our kids to be active, healthy and do physical exercise. And the task of how to get our kids away from all sorts of gadgets and how to make them love sports and other physical activities is the biggest worry of all parents today. We know the importance of eating nutritious foods and exercising. Yet we the parents often struggle to help their kids develop healthy habits. Here are the simple ways to keep your family healthy:

Be aware of your family’s health patterns

Keep your mind relaxed and help your family stay calm and cool. Many health issues arise due to stress, unhealthy food, breathing issues and posture. If your posture is good then your body will get fueled. Make sure that your kids have peaceful sleep for the duration recommended for their age. Be prepared for the various climate and season changes. Keep the medical records of your family updated.

Do self analysis

Self analysis of your family’s health pattern may help you to avoid many problems at an earlier stage. When you wake up in the morning, you should feel brisk. You should be able to complete your morning chores without any difficulties. If you press your nails, they should turn red. The sclera of healthy eyes should be white in color. These are the signs of a healthy body. Talk to your family members about their health often and be a role model.

Follow healthy habits

Incorporate some healthy habits into your family such as:
1. Drink a glass of water to refresh your body in the morning.
2. Have curry leaf juice, methi water and fresh juices which helps to improve your liver function.
3. Enjoy protein rich breakfast to gain the energy for the entire day.
4. Have nuts, dry fruits, soups, fruits and juices as your snacks.
5. Avoid fast food, junk food and unhealthy food.
6. Include seeds rich in Omega 3 fatty acids like flax seeds and pumpkin seeds into your regular diet.
7. Exercise twice daily. Eating your meal while sitting on the floor is considered healthy. Try to walk to nearby places and take the stairs when possible. Do household chores. Simply stay active and encourage your family to do more physical activities.

1. It helps to absorb energy directly from the cosmos. Ask your kids to observe their breaths. It helps to calm their thoughts.
2. Make it a priority to encourage your child to participate in athletics or other physical activities.
3. Limit screen time.
4. Be adventurous.

Notice the alerts from the body

These are some of the alerts to notice from your body:
Bad breath – Symptom of mouth peptic ulcer
Face dullness – Dehydration
White deposits on tongue – Digestion problem
Red Tongue – Ulcer
Yellow tongue – Jaundice
Pale tongue – Anemia
Pimples / skin problems – Stomach upset

Remember: “Healthy Family = Healthy Society”. Share your family health hacks with us. We are all ears to know your tips about having a healthy lifestyle.

I am Vasantha Vivek. I am a happy woman, daughter, sister, wife, mother, teacher, friend, mentor, seeker and lover. I am a teacher by profession. I was a professor at an Engineering College for nearly 15 years. I learnt a lot as a teacher and hope I have inspired some hearts during this period. Teaching is my passion, reading is my love, cooking is my heart. I enjoy reading and writing very much, so much so that I start & end my days with reading. Now I have started writing also. I blog my sweet nothings at