Interview With Yogita Joshi
The financial and emotional burdens the parents particularly have to face are hard. Whether working for another job or not, the responsibility for child care is overwhelming. The past year has seen a lot of family togetherness, which can be a good thing but can also feel smothering.
Our latest interview features Yogita and her views on ‘Pandemic Parenting’ Meet Yogita Joshi, residing in Ghaziabad. She’s a Software Engineer, a stay-at-home mom, a Parenting & Lifestyle Blogger, a Social Media Influencer who loves reading, cooking travelling, and penning down her experiences with everything at – ‘Directing My Dreams.’

Q. What do you think are some of the most significant difficulties faced by families as a result of the pandemic?
Well, according to me, some of the most difficulties faced by families as a result of the pandemic are making the kids stay at home, which is somehow hampering the physical growth of the child and also managing the kids in such a way that they do not get agitated by the fact that they cannot go out.
Q. How did you and your family members cope with the stress of quarantine and social distancing?
My family members and I coped up with the stress of quarantine and social distancing by having that bond that was keeping us intact and cheering us to fight against it. Also, the sense of relief that quarantine keeps us safe, kept us going.
Q. How frequently do you assist your child with their schoolwork and how does your child react to it?
I am very frequent with the assistance of my child’s schoolwork, and my son loves me being a part of it because I make sure that I make it really interesting for him. School time is solely mommy-sonny time for us and we make most of this every day. I help him study, we do activities together and the best part is dance class, where we dance together.

Q. What does your child enjoy the most/least about online classes? What are your opinions on this new digital learning era?
My child likes the fact that he is sitting comfortably at home and attending school but also is agitated with the fact that he cannot meet his friends physically. I am liking it because my child is learning technology which is the need of the hour. My son is learning new things and getting more familiar with new applications and gaining confidence.
Q. How are you keeping your kids busy and making sure they stick to their healthy routine?
I am keeping my son busy by indulging him in some of the other activities like art and craft, baking, and his new favourites 3D cube puzzles, which increase his thinking ability and creativity. I make sure that my child eats healthy food for that I make food with some creativity which interests him.
Q. What activities do you carry out with your family members and kids at home? What do you do to help your family stay healthy?
We spend some quality time in our terrace garden. Also, some activities like indoor games, to keep my family fresh and break the monotony of the time.
We spend some quality time in our terrace garden. Also, some activities like indoor games, to keep my family fresh and break the monotony of the time. To keep them healthy, I make sure that I give them fresh fruits regularly and make sure they eat delicious homemade food and stay hydrated.
Q. What has been the best/worst part for you during this pandemic?
The best part during the pandemic was that we were all together and the bond became stronger. We had some amazing memories together, being together 24×7 gave us an opportunity to spend more time together and the worst part was that we couldn’t plan out holidays that we usually do and we miss meeting our family and friends.
Q. How does your child feel about what is happening around him/her? Do you think their understanding of what is happening is having an impact on how they feel?
My son, not completely but is understanding what is happening around him, and that definitely is affecting how he feels. He misses being free, going to school, playing with friends, and our family outings but is managing himself by keeping him engaged with activities he loves, helping me, and troubling papa.
Q. Has parenting been a difficult or easy experience for you during these trying times? What does your regular routine look like?
Parenting has been both difficult and easy for me. There were times when I felt that the physical growth of my child is hampering, but also I could feel the closeness of my child towards me increasing day by day.
Parenting has been both difficult and easy for me. There were times when I felt that the physical growth of my child is hampering, but also I could feel the closeness of my child towards me increasing day by day. It’s amazing spending loads of time doing all sorts of fun activities but sometimes it’s difficult to manage him and his wish to go out.
Q. What advice would you like to share with all the moms/dads out there?
I would advice that understand your child his/her interest, it is a hard time for you and so it is for your child. Be with him/her in all the ways you can and help them grow beautifully. This shall pass, embrace the time with your family and make most of it.
We hope you enjoyed reading this interview. Do like, share and comment on your thoughts as well.
You can follow Yogita Joshi on Instagram, Facebook, and read more of her work at ‘Directing My Dreams.’
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