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What I Love About A New Born Baby?

The first sight of a new born baby is usually a memorable experience for majority of us; especially if the new born baby is your very own.

What I Love About A New Born Baby? - Things About Newborns - Parents

And the first time you hold your own new born baby in your hands is usually overwhelming for most parents – Simply because in that one moment you realise that while you know and completely understand the physics, chemistry and biology of creating a baby, the “divine element” of human creation will always be beyond human comprehension.

I don’t really know how long a baby qualifies to be called a “new born baby”. Is it for a few hours, days or about a month. Well, whatever – It hardly matters! Your baby will always be your baby – till eternity!

Going down the memory lane, I can’t recall when I really held a new born baby in my arms until I had my very own. And looking back, the first time I held her in my arms close to my heart – my emotions were a combination of unconditional love, joy, happiness, wonder, amazement, gratitude and fear (since she was so small, delicate, vulnerable and completely dependent, and I really did not want to do anything wrong) .

With time, I obviously got comfortable with holding her and taking care of her needs. And in the process, I fell in love… In love with everything about her

So what all did I really love in my new born baby girl?

  • The petite frame – New born babies are tiny, I mean like really tiny. They are so delicate and fragile. I especially love the tiny hands and legs. What I love the most are the tiny, slender and wonderfully chiseled fingers and toes. (It’s probably the only stage when there is no direct co-relation between the movements of your baby’s hands and legs; & your own hands and legs. As she grows, every time the baby’s limbs move, everything in your own being gets worked up – from hands, legs, eyes, ears, to mind, to heart to… Sigh!)
  • The baby smell – I don’t know what it is, but new born baby’s smell of purity and divinity – They just smell natural and it’s a wonderful smell. I don’t think I’ve ever smelt anything like this before (Psst… If someone can make a perfume with this smell, I’d be sure to buy it. And I am sure a lot of parents would also love to re-create and re-live that smell)
  • The soft soft baby skin – The natural baby skin is so so so soft. It is oh-so-wonderful to touch and feel; and makes you wonder how skin can be so naturally soft, and what you did to end up with the adult skin that you now have! (If only someone created a product which can help you regain/retain the softness of your baby skin, how wonderful it would be!)
  • The sweet smiles when she sleeps – A new born baby pretty much sleeps through the day and night (At least on the good days). And in between, she smiles in her sleep. Oh! What a heart-warming smile. 🙂 I don’t know what prompts these smiles. Some dreams, or just happiness on being born and starting out life, or some random thoughts. Whatever! I love it when she smiles in her sleep; and it makes me happy to see her smile (I know I didn’t have anything to do with her smile, but then I did play a role in her creation – so the least I can do is enjoy her smiles, and I so love her sleepy dreamy smiles)
  • The baby poses (In Hindi, I call it “Adaayein”) – Many times (unknowingly), she gives those “oh! So cute” baby poses. Sometimes it looks like salute. Sometimes it looks like she’s fed-up with being around Goliath-looking adults who keep yelling, worrying and saying some gibberish called “AAAH”, “OOOH”, “MY BABY”, “NO”, most of the times! Sometimes it looks like she’s showing off her manicured hands and nails. Sometimes it looks like she’s dancing. Sometimes it looks like she’s ready to go shopping (She’s a girl!) And sometimes it looks like she is sending me those high-flying kisses my way (It’s probably the only time in life when every move, every still is worth a picture. So enjoy and live it up baby)
  • The baby stretch (In Hindi, I call is “Angadaayi”) – Once she wakes up, she gives that head to toe body stretch with a small musical note (which goes Hmm or Hhhh or Mmmmm). Watching her stretch and squeal together is an absolute treat for the eyes, ears and soul. Like she is just so satisfied with the quality and quantity of her sleep, and the stretch conveys that life is good. (Yes baby! Life is good for you. You are simply clueless about what everyone is doing to keep in good! So enjoy while it lasts)
  • The baby burp – Now, as adults most of us exchange looks, raise eye-brows and those dirty words when someone burps, especially in public. But when a new born baby burps after her feeds, it is one of the most anticipated and musical sounds to the ear. Not only does it signal that she is well-fed, but it also means that you can now let her sleep (Ah! The sweet sound of the baby burp is more melodious than A R Rehman’s music! Ask any parent if you don’t believe me)
  • The baby routine – As an adult, I think it is so so wonderful to have the routine of a new born baby – Sleep for 18 to 20 hours a day. In the remaining time, drink milk. And when the feeding is done, then it’s time to burp. When that’s done, look and laze around like you’re doing everyone a favour with just that “one look” – and say nothing, do nothing- but just observe. (If only I could live the life of a new born baby for 1 day, how wonderful it would be :)]
  • The baby yawn – In the middle of the day and night, she gives those big yawns indicating that she is ready to sleep (Like she does anything else significant the whole day!). I love those yawns and they make me also yawn, and welcome sleep. 🙂
  • The baby’s grasp/clasp of my finger – There are random moments in the day when she clasps/grasps my finger so tight that she will not let go. It’s a really tight hold – usually takes me by surprise and takes my breath away. I wish she never lets-go.. but she does after a few minutes. And she’s off to her slumber again! (Looking ahead, someday sometime, I guess, I’ll hold her finger tight and not want to let go… Sigh! Till that day, it’s her turn)

This post is dedicated to my daughter – Baby T

That concludes my list.. What’s on your list of “What you loved about your baby?”… Leave a comment to let me know

 Nischala Murthy Kaushik is mother and philosopher rolled into one (the philosophical streak emerged after she became a mother – essential for balance, she believes). She is an Engineer and Management Graduate (IIMB Alumni) by Education, IT/Innovation/Marketing Professional by Employment, Google/Blog/Twitter/Social Media Lover by Era, Writer by Passion, Dreamer by Compulsion,  Student of Life by Choice, Eternal Optimist by Necessity and Chief Happiness Officer of LIFE by Realization. She blogs @ Nischala’s Space, Thoughts and Expressions AND VERVE : The Quintessence of my Life . In addition, she is also as a guest blogger in several sites of global repute; and her blogs have been featured in several Best-Of lists and on the Directory of Top Indian blogs. She tweets @nimu9 and is also listed among the 50 Indian Women to follow on Twitter.