
Fastest Growing Parenting Community in India


To My Teenage Princess…


My Princess, I confess I slept
Much better at night,
When your socks were mismatched,
Your hair was a sight,
When your smile was goofy,
Your teeth a tad crooked,
And you cared not at all
About how you looked.

But now with stuff on your eyes,
Your face and your lips,
A key pad constantly
At your fingertips,
Typing interminably
At all hours into oblivion,
Bursting into song, smiling
For no apparent reason.

I hope and pray that
You’re aware of the dangers,
Not just from those
Oh-so-familiar strangers,
But friends on whom you have
Bestowed the power to
Hurt and crush
The spirit out of you.

You’ve always been wise,
Funny, articulate, smart,
But now every so often,
You think with your heart,
Logical, rational,
Wise beyond your years,
To you, I say hold off
On those fears and tears!

To all the others out there,
IRL, or in cyber space,
If you put as much as a frown
On my little girl’s face,
If I know you think of her only
In fair weather times,
Then face the wrath of this troll
With the unending rhymes!

Thanks much!

Anandam’s Bio:

I’m a working mother of two,
Add hubby and work; that makes it four!
Sometimes logic flies out the window
Common sense flies out the door.
But sometimes it’s like a fairy tale
All golden sunshine and laughter
We start at Once Upon a Time
And end in Happily Ever After.

And then it happens, I wake up
And the day starts all over again
Giving rise to all those moments
That inspire my garrulous pen!
Little actions, words, and thoughts
That froth and bubble and lather,
Precious moments and memories
That I carefully collect and gather.

Many of these moments
Disappear in the fog,
Others are captured
Here and in my blog