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My Best Friend – My Fan

Hang on! Before you set your imagination run wild thinking about which celebrity is this article dedicated to, let me put your thoughts to rest. Well, he is not a Bollywood star or a celebrity of tinsel town; he is my very own four month old baby. Yes, you are right, my sweet little bundle of joy who is giving me the unconditional importance and love of being a mom for the second time. This article is dedicated to my two sweet children who have shown striking resemblance in their likes and traits in their infanthood. The ‘fan’ that I am talking about is the ceiling fan that hangs in all our Indian homes. For my dude, his best friend is the ceiling fan.

Since he was one and half months old, he started noticing things in his sleeping room. The colour of the wardrobe, bed, the wide open French window, the small pillow covers etc., all of these used to be a part of his friends circle. When I discovered his newly found love for the fan, I couldn’t stop wondering about it. In the first three months babies usually sleep throughout the day. For my little one too, while lying on the bed all day long, the first thing that he notices is the ceiling fan. He ensures that he greets the fan with a sweet smile and a good morning. His slight blush, the sparkle in the eyes and his cooing on seeing the fan is something that sends me in peals of laughter.

My elder son, when of this age too was very enthusiastic about each moving object. The colourful clothes that used to sway in the cool breeze used to impress him and he used to babble with them. Likewise my little one’s obsession rules his feeding activity too. He keeps checking on his friend even between his feeds. Even when he is super hungry and having his feed he will choose to turn and ensure that he gives a smile to the fan.

I guess, everything and anything in motion makes them feel as if all of these objects are playing a rhythm for them. The plane oscillating in my wall clock, the mirror hanging in my passage entrance and the ceiling fan play a rhythmic cadence for my cuddly baby. His fascination for all these non living objects is at an all time high. After a warm water bath when sleep invaded his eyes, he cried frantically for not being dressed and forced me to soothe him to sleep.

When I switched on the fan, he would literally stop crying and give me that breather of few more minutes to dress him up without any chaos. While dozing off, he would take a sneak peek and give these friends the best smile which was certainly a respite for a post partum depression hit mom like me. I wish he could talk so I could ask him what was so fascinating about these little things.

I don’t know if all babies have this obsession. If your babies share the same kind of fondness or any similar kind of innocent love in their early infanthood please share it with me. I’d love to know about it. To me, these obsessions seem very short lived because very soon as the months roll on, they achieve new milestones. They start turning on their sides, crawl to reach out to every object and very soon start taking their baby steps. These objects will still be there but by then they will know that these friends are called as fans, planes in clock etc.

A mother learns a lot from her kids, which I realized after I became a mother to my tiny tots. They are so happy seeing everything in motion, which may sound illogical for us but they are so genuine in expressing their happiness and contentedness with these everyday things. I have learnt from my little ones, that whatever be the situation or ability, learn to be happy. Learn to be happy with small things around you. Enjoy the best even when you have very little to enjoy. Happy Parenting!

After 12 years of banking experience, I chose to take a sabbatical for my kids and be an enterprising mother. I am a Bachelor in Commerce, Masters in Finance Management and done diploma in creative writing.Writing is my passion and wish to develop it further. My husband is my inspiration to all my aspirations. I am a mother of two sons, both in a very agile stage, all ready to run to explore with their little feet. I love travelling and writing about places visited and every thought that fascinates me. All this can be read in my blog Life Bytes.